Case Studies
Tag: Knowledge Retention
8 Second Attention, assess knowledge retention, competition and rewards, Customer Support, Efficiency and Production, Employee Training, Engaging Imagery, Game Authoring Tool, Gen Z, Gen Zers, Generation Z, improve learning, improve learning outcomes, Knowledge Retention, Micro Learning, retaining top talent, The Training Arcade, training arcade, Training Employees, training games, training games for corporations
assess knowledge retention, Consistent ROI, Corporate Training, Education, eLearning, Forbes, Gaining Retention, game base learning, improve learning, improve learning outcomes, Increasing Engagement, Increasing Retention, Increasing Understanding, Knowledge Retention, Play to educate, reinforce education, reinforce educational material, retention, teaching effectiveness
award-winning game-based solution, eLearning solution, eThink Education, Gamified Content, improve learning outcomes, increased Engagement, Increased Retention, intuitive Game Builder, Knowledge Retention, Moodle, MoodleMoots, motivation, professional education games, The Game Agency, The Training Arcade
Consumer Marketing, Corporate Training, Education, eLearning, Employee Engagement, Employee Training, Engage Learners, Gaining Retention, Game Agency, game base learning, Game-Based Learning, Games Increase Retention, improve learning, improve learning outcomes, Increasing Engagement, Increasing Retention, Increasing Understanding, Interactivity, Knowledge Retention, Millennials, Play, Play to educate, Play to promote, Play to train, power of play, Power of Play to train, reinforce education, reinforce educational material, retention, rewarding experience, Serious Games, The Game Agency, The Training Arcade, training arcade
Consumer Marketing, Corporate Training, Education, Educational Material, eLearning, Employee Engagement, Employee Training, Engage Learners, Gaining Retention, game base learning, Game-Based Learning, Games Increase Retention, improve learning, improve learning outcomes, Increasing Engagement, Increasing Retention, Increasing Understanding, Knowledge Retention, longer term retention, Millennials, Play to educate, Play to promote, Play to train, Power of Play to train, reinforce education, retention, The Game Agency, The Training Arcade, training arcade
Corporate Training, Employee Engagement, Employee Training, Gaining Retention, Game-Based Learning, Gamification, improve learning, Increasing Retention, Increasing Understanding, Knowledge Retention, longer term retention, power of play, rewarding experience, Rewards, Socialization, The Game Agency, The Training Arcade, training arcade
Corporate Training, Developer Resources, Education, eLearning, elearningbrothers, Employee Engagement, Engage Learners, Gaining Retention, game base learning, Game-Based Learning, Games Increase Retention, improve learning, Increasing Engagement, Increasing Retention, Increasing Understanding, Knowledge Retention, longer term retention, Millennials, Play, Play to educate, Play to train, power of play, Power of Play to educate, Power of Play to train, reinforce education, retention, Serious Games, The Game Agency, The Training Arcade, training arcade, Webinars
assess knowledge retention, Consumer Marketing, Corporate Training, Education, Educational Material, eLearning, Employee Training, Engage Learners, Gaining Retention, Game Agency, game base learning, Game-Based Learning, Games Increase Retention, improve learning, improve learning outcomes, Increasing Engagement, Increasing Retention, Increasing Understanding, Interactivity, Knowledge Retention, Learn, longer term retention, measure overall teaching, Play, Play to educate, Play to promote, Play to train, power of play, Power of Play to educate, Power of Play to promote, Power of Play to train, reinforce education, reinforce educational material, Repeat, retention, rewarding experience, teaching, teaching effectiveness, The Game Agency, The Training Arcade, training arcade
assess knowledge retention, Consumer Marketing, Corporate Training, Education, Educational Material, eLearning, Employee Training, Engage Learners, Gaining Retention, Game Agency, game base learning, Game-Based Learning, Games Increase Retention, improve learning, improve learning outcomes, Increasing Engagement, Increasing Retention, Increasing Understanding, Interactivity, Knowledge Retention, Learn, longer term retention, measure overall teaching, Play, Play to educate, Play to promote, Play to train, power of play, Power of Play to educate, Power of Play to promote, Power of Play to train, reinforce education, reinforce educational material, Repeat, retention, rewarding experience, teaching, teaching effectiveness, The Game Agency, The Training Arcade, training arcade
assess knowledge retention, Consumer Marketing, Corporate Training, Education, Educational Material, eLearning, Employee Training, Engage Learners, Gaining Retention, Game Agency, game base learning, Game-Based Learning, Games Increase Retention, improve learning, improve learning outcomes, Increasing Engagement, Increasing Retention, Increasing Understanding, Interactivity, Knowledge Retention, Learn, longer term retention, measure overall teaching, Play, Play to educate, Play to promote, Play to train, power of play, Power of Play to educate, Power of Play to promote, Power of Play to train, reinforce education, reinforce educational material, Repeat, retention, rewarding experience, teaching, teaching effectiveness, The Game Agency, The Training Arcade, training arcade