Financial Training

How do you cut through complicated acronyms and jargon to make training fun and engaging?

As a result of the fall-out of the housing crisis, several banks have started helping their adult clients become more financially literate. Games provide practice for their clients to fail and ultimately learn.

The financial industry is rife with seemingly complicated acronyms and esoteric jargon making internal training and client training extremely important. So how can you make all this training fun and engaging? Games of course! There are several different types of game mechanics that can help train different types of skill. A Word Scramble game is a terrific mechanic for helping new bank loan and risk officers recognize financial jargon. A Trivia or Jeopardy! game is great for training more complicated topics such as financial concepts and definitions. A Sort-It type game helps train employees on new processes and the order in which everything needs to happen. A branching path dialogue or “scenario” type game can help train bank officers and financial advisors soft skills such as empathy and compassion in a safe environment. Here’s an article we wrote about soft skills and why they are so important today. 

As a result of the fall-out of the housing crisis, several banks have started helping their adult clients be more financially literate. Games provide a practice playground for their clients to fail and ultimately learn.

Here are some Case Studies of financial games we’ve created both for the internal and external client.

Adult Financial Education
Risk Management Training

Due to the ballooning student college loan debt ($1.6 trillion and counting), there has been a much-needed trend in the last 5 years to start teaching Financial Literacy to students as young as middle school.

Here are some educational financial literacy games we’ve created.

How can we help you be a training hero?

The Game Agency has been creating custom games for clients for over a dozen years in both the corporate and education sectors. Our training games are deployed in over 100 countries and in 20+ languages. Our enterprise grade software systems are used by tens of millions of customers across the globe. Read more about our story here.

We can create a gamified desktop game, mobile app or VR experience from the ground up or we can “reskin” one of our games from The Training Arcade (our game-authoring tool) with your branding. Our team of developers, digital illustrators, and project managers are here to bring your vision to life.

Games provide a place for learners to actively engage with their learning material. Games tap into learner’s intrinsic and extrinsic motivation and provides feedback, recognition and rewards along the way. Games encourage learners to return repeatedly to increase their score and move up the leaderboard. Games can also be played easily with a mobile phone or tablet which is perfect for live conferences and teams who travel frequently.

Yes! The Training Arcade® is a DIY Game Authoring Tool with a library of 8 training games that can be rapidly deployed in 16 languages with any content in minutes (no coding required). This platform works seamlessly across mobile, tablet, PC, and touchscreen devices and can be used for eLearning, instructor led training, and live events.

Games make the training more fun and engaging. They provide a “practice playground” for your team to fail and learn in a safe place. Games also provide data that helps you understand where there may be gaps in the learning. 

Since game play is active rather than passive, learners are naturally more engaged as they want to win. Games encourage learners to return repeatedly to increase their score and move up the leaderboard. How many times do you hear about your learners returning over and over again to your PowerPoint presentation or training manual?

The analytics dashboard in a custom game or in a game in The Training Arcade is engineered to unveil patterns of individual and group engagement with your material, thereby improving your training ROI by revealing knowledge gaps, personality behaviors, and group comparison. Sort topline data including the number of users, scores, rank, sessions, session duration, % of questions correct / incorrect, and total questions answered.

We take security quite seriously, We offer single sign-on integration (SAML & OKTA) and user authentication. We also offer Enterprise security functionality (cloud-based SaaS platform with unlimited storage and bandwidth, daily database backups, redundant infrastructure, and 24-hour monitoring).

Let’s make something great

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