Game Based and Contextual Training for Pharma Reps

Pharmaceutical sales requires a different level of expertise. As the main point of contact between your organization and  healthcare providers, it’s imperative that sales reps have  depth of knowledge in combination with top notch sales skills to represent your brand effectively. Reps need to understand the business of medicine and the mind-set of their customers in order to provide greater value and make an impact.

How can you effectively relay the important nuances and details of products in a way that will help reps internalize the information? It’s all in the delivery method!
Join us to experience game based and contextual training programs that have effectively impacted retention rates for pharma sales teams. Whether your reps are learning at home, in the classroom or in an auditorium, there’s an example to suit your training need.

Side effects of this training may include: increased revenue, higher employee retention, knowledgeable sales reps and more satisfied clients.

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